Be who you were designed to be.

My story

It all began with one word. A word that would transform my mindset, my direction and my life. That word was BLOOM. I didn’t find bloom. Bloom found me. And I believe it will find you too.

Bloom became the light that led me down the path to seeking peace, beauty and stillness. And in that process, I found myself. My story is about falling apart so I could start all over again. It’s about letting go and being present where my feet are planted. It’s about listening to that still small voice that was guiding me to who I was designed to be. Bloom is about my journey to discover that calling that led me here to you.


Picked on purpose

When we’re called for a bigger purpose, we must find the courage to bloom. It’s when we step into that purpose that we bear fruit. My calling was deeply rooted in the desire to show my four daughters that it was possible to live the life you were meant to live and chase after those dreams. I want them to know that if it’s planted in you, it’s for you!

This is true for you too. I believe that I was picked on purpose to share bloom with each of you and I’m so glad you are here on this journey with me.

“So let us not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessings if we don’t give up.”


- Galatians 6:9